11 July, 2011

Tweetin' marvellous RSS feeds, not so enamoured with Pushnote...

Actually the title is slightly misleading.

I have already expressed my undying love for Twitter and indeed use it every day. Incredibly useful, informative if not slightly distracting, it's actually how I start and end the majority of my days. I especially love the lists feature (it's the anal classifying freak in me).

RSS feeds similarly are a regular and convenient feature of my life, greeting me every morning from my iGoogle page. Both of these tools I was introduced to by 23 Things last year and I couldn't possibly do without.

Pushnote however... Errr... I don't see the attraction or point of it. Sorry! It sort of duplicates twitter and RSS feeds without the fun. If any users of Pushnote can convince me otherwise I would happily be converted, but for now, not impressed. Saying that I have signed up, and will probably have a stab at trying to enjoy it over the course of these Things...


  1. I find pushnote handy for retweeting a webpage that I like. I know most web pages have a 'retweet' function but they don't shorten the url like pushnote does.I'm not into the whole friends thing - 'be the first of you friends to rate this page' etc but I'll definitely use it for retweeting the web pages I like. My facebook page is a personal one but the same function could come in handy for a library facebook page. We don't have a facebook page for our library *sigh*.

  2. Ahh, ok I see now... Its point was really escaping me. I tend to use bit.ly for shortening urls for twitter and facebook. It stores the shortened links and analysis of retweets or click throughs on each link also.

    I shall attempt to use it this week for twitter and see how I get on.

    Cheers for that Niamh!!
